Pre-made templates for

Select a device below to view the list of Modbus data points we support in our pre-made templates.
These data points can be added to your gateway at no additional cost, just contact us to receive the correct template file.


Call: 1-800-249-1612
If your device is not listed or the points do not match your application need, give us a call. Both template modification and/or creation services are available.
Schneider Galaxy VM
Schneider InfraStruxure Symmetra 3P
Schneider MGE Galaxy EPS6000,7000,8000
Schneider MicroLogic 6.0H
Schneider PM210
Schneider PM5330
Schneider PML ION 7300
Schneider PML ION 7350,7550,7650
Schneider PowerLogic CM200
Schneider PowerLogic CM4200,4250
Schneider PowerLogic ION6200
Schneider PowerLogic PM710