Tag Archives: I/O

PROFIBUS Object Models

I’ve spent a bunch of time over the past month looking harder at the Profibus [...]

When Free Is Not Free!

Recently, I’ve had some interesting conversations with a developer in Texas about EtherNet/IP. They have [...]

A Birthday Tribute to Myself

I just had a birthday. Not much of a celebration around my house. In fact [...]

How to Configure Your EtherNet/IP Scanner

I look at the world a little oddly, to say the least. It seems that [...]

It’s A Crazy World Out There…

I don’t think that I’m crazy. Well, I usually don’t think it anyway but is [...]

Customers continue to be attracted to EtherCAT. They find it Different, Novel and Surprising.

Different: EtherCAT is probably the first Ethernet network to achieve prominence that was designed from [...]