Tag Archives: TCP/IP

A Refresher Course on OSI & TCP/IP

EtherNet/IP. PROFINET. Modbus. MQTT. OPC UA. We spend so much time and energy talking about [...]

Single Pair Ethernet Driving IP to the Edge (Part 2)

In my last article, I discussed the current trends that are driving the transformation of [...]

EtherNet/IP and the TCP/IP Software Stack

I’m sure that there’s software that is more historic; the code that landed Neil Armstrong [...]

Understanding the Ethernet Network Domain – Part 1

This is the first part of a series of articles on what automation engineers need [...]

The World of EtherCAT

I recently taught my first class on EtherCAT. I love teaching. I love it more [...]

ASCII Data over HTTP

ASCII data will be with us forever. It was invented out of necessity in the [...]

MODBUS – Glad You Asked! (Part 3)

My previous Modbus article focused on Modbus protocol questions. The blog focuses on questions related [...]


The OPC Foundation this week released its fall schedule of seminars. The schedule, while subject [...]


When we think of Modbus, we think of a forty year old protocol, old machines, [...]

EtherNet/IP and TCP/IP

I have a friend, Emily, who knows all about muscles. More than that, she knows [...]