Tag Archives: OPC

OPC DA Communications

A reader sent me this question a few weeks back: “I see that OPC DA [...]

Three Things Every Beginner Should Know About OPC UA (Told by an OPC UA Newbie)

When I first decided to write a blog about the Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture [...]

How To Sound Smart (or at Least Literate) When Talking to Enginerds

I am always fascinated by acronyms. So many of them have different meanings depending on [...]

The Micro Embedded Profile

I’m sure that I am probably alone in this, but I find new car shopping [...]

The Internet of Things – The same but different

The Internet of Things isn’t a fad. It would be hard to argue that Microsoft, [...]


The OPC Foundation this week released its fall schedule of seminars. The schedule, while subject [...]

A House Divided

Do you live in a house divided by electronics? If you think that religion or [...]

OPC – Are its days numbered?

It’s hard to work almost anywhere in the automation industry without knowing something about OPC. [...]

OPC Day Europe Part of IT2Industry/Automatica

OPC Day Europe was held last month in Munich, Germany. It’s one of the annual [...]

When Is EtherNet/IP Not The Right Choice?

I had an interesting phone conversation with a guy this morning on EtherNet/IP and how [...]