Category Archives: RTA’s Blog
Data Historian vs Data Logger
Like many others, I am guilty of using words without much precision. One classic word [...]
Is The Human Body Circulatory System Like an Ethernet Network?
I’m a scuba diver and always anxious to get to a warm weather location with [...]
A Better Way to EtherNet/IP or PROFINET
Manufacturers love EtherNet/IP and PROFINET. Those industrial communication protocols simplify everything for them. It’s almost [...]
VLAN Confusion
I have maintained for a long time that it is hard to do IT/OT conversion [...]
OPC UA – Love at First Sight
In 2011, I discovered OPC UA. It was love at first sight. I was totally [...]
Yes, Your Data Must Be Conditioned
When I was a little boy, I wished for a magic wand. Oh, the things [...]
The Importance of Smart Manufacturing
I don’t have a problem with system architects, consultants, integrators and others who are making [...]
Let’s Celebrate The Heroes Behind Remote Access Technology
So many things happened during the pandemic. Home delivery of food, increased streaming into our [...]
What the Heck Is a Unified Namespace?
My job is to keep up with all the tools, technologies and strategies for implementing [...]
Snake Oil Salesmen from the 1800s are Back and Now They’re Selling IoT Systems to Manufacturers
I am a pretty calm guy. Sometimes too calm. I remember one time when I [...]