A.I. Content in the I.A. World

Industrial automation (I.A.) is a complex and rapidly evolving field, and as such, the demand for high-quality and engaging blog content in this area is greater than ever before. With the help of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), it is now possible to produce large amounts of content in a relatively short amount of time, which can be especially valuable for companies and organizations that need to keep up with the fast pace of innovation and change in the industry. However, while A.I.-generated content can certainly be efficient, there are also potential drawbacks to consider, such as the risk of content that lacks a human touch or a nuanced understanding of the complexities of the industry. As such, it is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of using A.I.-generated content in industrial manufacturing blogs in order to create content that is both informative and engaging for readers.

At least that’s what ChatGPT has to say on the matter.

Yep, that’s right: I pulled the ol’ switch-a-roo on you. First, I typed in, “Write a blog about the pluses and minuses of A.I. writing blogs,” then typed, “Narrow focus to industrial manufacturing blog content,” and finished with, “Expand opening paragraph.” Not bad, right? But not great, either! It’s a little stiff and clunky and, as ChatGPT points out, it lacks a human touch. That’s the point of this blog.

I’ve been writing marketing copy for almost as long as RTA® has been in existence and I’ve heard the shrill cry of workers fearing their inevitable replacement in the workforce by the evil machine overlords every time there’s an advancement is technology. And yes, many jobs that human beings used to do have been taken over by robots. In many instances, especially manufacturing, robots are faster, more accurate and cheaper than people. However, the U.S. is currently experiencing its lowest jobless rate since, well, ever! How can that be?

According to a 2018 report by the World Economic Forum, the adoption of A.I. in the workplace was supposed to create 133 million new jobs globally by 2022, while displacing 75 million jobs. That meant that while some jobs would be lost to automation, the overall impact on employment would likely be positive. That’s exactly what happened.

In the United States, the unemployment rate reached a record low of 3.5% in 2019 before rising due to COVID. American manufacturers cut roughly 1.36 million jobs from February to April of 2020, as the pandemic shut down much of the economy. As of August 2022, manufacturers had added back about 1.43 million jobs, a net gain of 67,000 workers above pre-pandemic levels and more have been added since August. Plus, the unemployment rate steadily declined to reach a new record low of 3.4% in January 2023. This suggests that the fear of widespread job loss in the manufacturing sector due to A.I. is not just overblown, it’s wrong.

First and foremost, A.I. is not a replacement for human intelligence. A.I. systems are designed to perform specific tasks based on pre-programmed algorithms and data inputs, but humans have the ability to adapt and learn on the fly. So, while A.I. may be able to perform certain tasks faster and more efficiently, it will never be able to replace the flexibility and adaptability of the human mind. Which brings me back to A.I. writing blog content.

A.I. has made significant strides in natural language processing and generation, but it still lacks the creativity, empathy and experientiality that human writers can bring to their work. Writing is not just about stringing together words and phrases; it’s about communicating ideas, emotions and perspectives in a way that resonates with readers. Human writers have the ability to inject their own personalities into their writing, which makes their content more relatable and engaging.

Writing blog content also requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, which often involves extensive research, analysis and critical thinking. A.I. processes vast amounts of information and provides insights based on that data, but it lacks the ability to connect the dots and synthesize ideas in a way that reflects a deep understanding of the topic. Human writers, on the other hand, can leverage their own knowledge and expertise to produce nuanced, insightful and well-informed content.

Then there’s the role of creativity and originality in writing. While A.I. can generate text based on existing data, it cannot truly create something new or original. Writing blog content often requires a level of inventiveness, whether it’s coming up with a unique angle on a topic, crafting a compelling narrative or simply finding a fresh and interesting way to present information. This is where human writers excel. They can draw on their own experiences and imagination to produce content that is truly original and not synthesized blather. And if you want A.I. to write anything with humor, irony or sarcasm, fuhgeddaboudit!

Also, blogs are an extension of the overall corporate brand (or at least they should be) and writing them requires a strategic alignment with that brand. A.I. can absolutely assist with some aspects of this process but it lacks both the ability to truly understand a brand’s voice, values and goals the way a human does and the ability to effectively weave those elements into content.

“In conclusion, while A.I. has made impressive advances in natural language processing and generation, it is unlikely to replace humans when it comes to writing blog content. Writing is a complex and nuanced task that requires creativity, empathy and a deep understanding of the subject matter, all of which are areas where humans excel. While A.I. can certainly assist with some aspects of the writing process, it cannot replace the unique perspectives and personalities that human writers bring to their craft.”

Again, thank you ChatGPT for that concluding paragraph, but I’m not quite done yet.

Stephen King, in his book On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, compares a writer’s toolbox to a carpenter’s toolbox and explains the importance of having the right tools to craft a well-made final product. Instead of a planer, hammer and chisel, a writer’s toolbox has vocabulary, grammar, style, storytelling and other writerly tools in it. A.I. is just another tool in my toolbox, but it’s one I often use for two very important yet tedious parts of writing: getting started and researching a topic.

Blank page anxiety is real and it can be paralyzing, even for the most seasoned writer. But it can be alleviated quickly by spending just a few minutes asking a chatbot to write something on a particular topic and then using that as a jumping off point. As for research, I acquiesce to ChatGPT’s expertise.

“A.I. can be a great tool for blog research for several reasons:

  • Speed and Efficiency: A.I. algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would take a human researcher to do the same. This can save time and effort and help bloggers produce content more quickly.
  • Data Mining: A.I. algorithms can mine large datasets and extract relevant information for a particular blog topic. This can help bloggers to identify trends, patterns and insights that may not be immediately apparent to a human researcher.
  • Natural Language Processing: A.I. algorithms can analyze natural language text, including blog articles, comments and social media posts. This can help bloggers understand the language and tone used by their target audience and tailor their content accordingly.”

I’m old-school. I still use pen and paper to take notes and I still use a physical copy of Roget’s Thesaurus. However, I do embrace new technologies: like many, I rely too heavily on autocorrect, and I use A.I. to write content…just not entire blogs. I use A.I. as one of the many tools in my writer’s toolbox. I keep it right next to the awkward segue to my call to action. If you have any questions about industrial connectivity, contact RTA at 800-249-1812 or via email.