Tag Archives: CIP
Not OPC UA’s Time in the Sun
I try very hard to not write anything controversial. It’s not that I shy away [...]
Sharing the Trade Floor with President Obama
I recently returned from Hannover Messe (‘messe’ is German for ‘fair’), my first visit to [...]
Still a Thrill: OPC UA Device Discovery
A long while back, I when I started working on industrial connectivity, I had hair. [...]
The Hateful Eight: Pros and Cons of EtherNet/IP
I can’t tell you how many times over the years I’ve had someone ask me [...]
EtherNet/IP Assemblies 101
One of the hardest things to understand about EtherNet/IP is the concept of an assembly: [...]
EtherNet/IP Big Data Part 2
In my last article, I discussed how to use EtherNet/IP Explicit Messages to transfer large [...]
OPC UA: Data Type vs. DataTypeDefinition
Terminology is always a killer. It seems that we humans have to use special [...]
Siemens PLC’s
I’m in Rome Italy tonight. Walked all over Rome today. My hotel is near the [...]
EtherNet/IP EDS Update
I just completed an analysis of the new Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) changes that have [...]
Modbus Over CIP
I don’t think I ever mentioned my integrator friend Milos. Milos is Yugoslavian. At least [...]