Tag Archives: Modbus TCP

How Small Can You Go?

There is a natural tendency to go small and cheap when you pick a microprocessor. [...]


It’s the hot and sticky part of summer here in the upper Midwest. Lots of [...]

Lots Of Ways To Get Things Done!

There is always more than one way to get something done. When it comes to [...]

On The Road Again

I write this in the car on the way to Illinois. Meeting with a Motion [...]

Notes From SPS Show

I promised in my last blog to give you the run down on the SPS [...]

Yes, I’ve Changed My Mind

Alright I’ll admit it. I’m kind of stubborn. I think everyone is to a certain [...]

Is Life Unfair?

Big news today is the move in congress to prevent the GM and Chrysler from [...]

Michael is DEAD!

Yes, Michael Jackson is dead and today is his funeral. I can’t think of a [...]

A Birthday Tribute to Myself

I just had a birthday. Not much of a celebration around my house. In fact [...]

More On OPC

This is the second part of my blathering on OPC. Here I’ll describe what OPC [...]