Tag Archives: Rockwell Automation

Profinet IO on Windows and Linux

In the Rockwell Automation world it is common to find applications on Windows or Linux [...]

Las Vegas USB Interfaces

I’m in Las Vegas this week. It’s hot and very sunny. Pretty bad for my [...]

OPC Day Europe 2012

I’m writing this the day after the OPC DAY EUROPE 2012. This is an annual [...]

Serial Communications Questions RS-232 & RS-485

It’s old and of no use. Nobody wants it around anymore. No, that’s not what [...]

EtherNet/IP EDS

It’s time for me to eat a little crow I’m sorry to say. I eat [...]

Stop The Killing! It Must Stop And Stop Now!

Once again I get another product with over the top functionality, complexity for complexities sake [...]

MicroLogix in a Time of Maximum information

A lot of these blogs are about my faults. Probably because there are so many. [...]

Modbus Over CIP

I don’t think I ever mentioned my integrator friend Milos. Milos is Yugoslavian. At least [...]

Industrial Ethernet Review from Spain

I’m writing to you today from Madrid Spain where I have a wonderful place just [...]


A guy at Rockwell called me yesterday. When I take those calls it never know [...]